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Enterprise is a city located within Nevada’s 3rd congressional district. The people that live here are represented in congress by Joe Heck. Locals are also represented by senators Becky Harris, Michael Roberson, and Aaron Ford.
As of the last census, there were 39,848 households living in this area. 36.6% of these households housed children that were under the age of 18. More than 46% of the households were made up of married couples.
There are plenty of young people living in Enterprise. Nearly 25% of the population is under the age of 18. However, it appears that most people leave this town when they are ready to retire. Only 6% of the population is above the age of 65.
A number of the people that live in this area work for Allegiant Air. Their headquarters are located in Enterprise. Because there are excellent job opportunities in the area, the median income for a household is reasonably high, above $75,000. The per capita income in this area is around $32,000.
While the majority of households in this city are above the poverty level, people are still working to improve the local community. The schools, like Desert Oasis High School and Southwest Career and Technical Academy, are working to give students the best possible education. In addition to the jobs provided by Allegiant Air, new positions are being created in this city all the time.
While the job outlook in this city is excellent, property taxes and home prices are still fairly reasonable. The rates are much lower than they are in other cities in Nevada.
If you are seeking a job in Nevada, you should see if there are any positions available in the Enterprise area. If you are able to secure a position here, you may wind up making Enterprise your home.
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Web Design Enterprise
If you’re a local business in the area of Paradise, NV, then you know how important it is to have a solid website. But if you want a good website, you need to hire a web design company that can attend your needs. There are multiple skill sets for web design, from e-commerce to virtual portfolios and everything in between. Since there are so many different styles of jobs, you need to make certain you’re hiring a company that specializes in the kind of website you want built. Instead of just looking for a company nearby, you should be looking for a company with the skills and equipment to do the job you want done. If you’re near Paradise and looking for web design, the map below can help you find our offices. Whatever you need, we can deliver. We hope to see you soon!
Enterprise Nevada Zip Codes:
- 89139
- 89123
- 89178
- 89054
- 89052
- 89141
- 89113
- 89148
- 89044
- 89179