The Vault

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Grace’s Cases Designs, Our Newest Client

GracesCases Designs was born out of the personal need for knitting needle storage by owner, Grace Fross. Based out of Portland, Oregon and sold online and at select retailers, GracesCases has built a strong fan base of knitters and other yarn artists. Grace came to us with a desire to expand her web presence beyond her Etsy and Facebook pages. She wanted a blog so that she could interact with her customers on a more personal level and share how they were using her products. She wanted to be able to have a good sampling of her products shown on her website, with the plan of developing eCommerce down the road so that she can sell on her own page in addition to, or instead of on Etsy. Like many small business owners wearing many hats, Grace had an idea of what she wanted, but even more so, she knew what she DIDN’T want. Starfire worked with Grace’s ideas and tried different modifications until her site layout and her new logo felt right. Careful planning went into the GracesCases website as they had a lot of content to display but they had a tight budget, due to expanding their business. Making good use of space and using proper layout design helps to keep GracesCases neat and organized while keeping all of the content on the site. We hope you like her new site, and if you have a knitter in your life, you really should check out her needle cases. We’ve seen them first hand and they are each beautiful, yet functional works of art!

As always, we’d love to see you stop by and see what’s new on our website, and say “hi’ on our facebook, twitter and google+ pages, and we hope that you are taking some time to enjoy the Christmas season!

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