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How to Write an About Us Page for Your Website

Your website should have an About Us page. It helps add a personal touch, so visitors feel a connection with who you are and what you’re about.

The fact is too many people put together an About Us page as an afterthought. To avoid this, put some time and thought into the process. While that doesn’t guarantee success, it does help.

There are certain things you can do to make an About us page that will really connect with readers. It can lead to more conversions, greater customer loyalty and other big benefits.

about us

Always start by addressing your customers. Don’t talk about you, even though that’s what the page is supposed to be about. You need to make a connection, and people love reading about their pains and needs. This can be done in the first sentence, if you want to keep it brief. But do lead with this element, because visitors will want to read on.

Avoid just filling it with a big block of text. The same design principles you’ve applied to all your other pages should be used here as well. This includes using images, and sticking with other interesting elements. Include a photo of your whole company, or even individual photos of key managers. You want the About Us page to be attractive, not boring and a turn-off.

Including customer testimonials is a wise move. It’s best if you use the full name and company of any endorsements. Failure to do this can lead to suspicion that they might be made up. To make the testimonials feel even more genuine, use pictures of your customers or clients, but be sure to get permission first.

As you talk about yourself and your company, be genuine. It’s okay to show some warts, but don’t go overboard. Talk about your struggles getting off the ground, as long as you’re not still struggling. A little vulnerability can be endearing. Like salt, though, if you use too much it can be repulsive.

Finally, provide the contact info for your business. Put down your physical address and a telephone number. While providing an email address is good, you need more than just that. If you want to provide links to social media accounts, that’s not a bad idea, either.

Overall, your About Us page should be attractive, informative and make visitors want to do business with you. There are many ways to do this. You’ll have to play around to find one that fits with the rest of your site and your company’s unique culture.

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